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Prayer Shawls/ Tallits / Accessories

         full-size Tallits from $22.95 

The PRAYER SHAWL (or "TALLIT" in Hebrew) is worn by Jewish people all over the world as well as by many non-Jews celebrating the Jewish roots of their faith. People use prayer shawls in  their devotionals, or as holy adornment. At weddings a special tallit is used  as a tent (or "hoopa") under which couples speak their marital vows. The PRAYER SHAWL stands for the covering from God which will be the real dwelling place of the new family.The prayer shawls we offer are all made by Orthodox Jews in Israel with the highest quality materials and workmanship.

Regular Tallit
Orig.: $49.00
Sale: $22.95
"Shalom" Tallit
Orig.: $119.00
Sale: $89.00
Silk Tallit
Orig.: $89.00
Sale: $59.00
Large Tallit
Orig.: $59.00
Sale: $32.00
The Towers of Jerusalem TALLIT BAG
Orig.: $28.00
Sale: $21.99

The Bible alludes to the prayer shawl in Numbers 15:37-41 when the LORD commanded the Israelites to wear fringes ("tzitzit") on their garments. The fringes were to remind them of the covenant God had made with them. Each time they saw the fringes, they would remember His covanent with them. The TALLIT was actually created to hold the fringes.